Monday, August 18, 2014

Boost Table

Boost Table

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Boost Table

Boost Skills are the extra addition in FRONTIER GATE BOOST+.
to be able to unlock Boost Skills, You first should have already defeated ASTRAL DEUS in ASTRAL EARTH on a Blue Flagged Quest ( because it is a part of the story)

after this, a new quest should be unlocked marked with a Blue Flag and a location with the picture of a "question mark", the name of the quest is this
( 新たなる力を求めて )

to make sure you are on the right map, this quest have random locations on each areas, exiting an area brings you on a different location ( sometimes you need to exit two areas to get on a new location ).

then at the boss area, you should see there the Guild Master, talk to him, then he'll let you fight two GARGOYLES, beat them and you'll unlock the BOOST SKILL menu, and there is where you'll learn BOOST SKILLS.

these section will help you understand Boost Skills.

1.) Two Types Of Boost Skill

There are two types of Boost Skill, SKILL and PASSIVE

a.) SKILL are attack skills restricted only to a specific weapon

b.) while PASSIVE skills remains active if equipped and can be mixed, for example, ONE-HAND Passive Boost Skills + KATANA Passive Boost Skill

2.) Where To Locate Boost Skill Menu

If you have defeated the quest above, press triangle and a new inventory will be available, next to PANEL and before EAT COOKED MEAL

that menu is where you LEARN and NOT equip boost skills

3.) How To Learn Boost Skills

You need "BP" or "BOOST POINTS" to learn a certain Boost Skill.

IMPORTANT THING TO KNOW : You should have mastered a certain weapon up to Lv 15 to be able to earn BP, unlocking BOOST SKILLS will further increase the maximum Lv of Weapon Skill you can gain upto Lv 99. but instead of learning new skills, you earn BP, One Weapon Lv is equal to One BP

4.) Equipping Boost Skills

First, you must know the difference of the icons of BOOST SKILLS and the PASSIVE BOOST SKILL

a.) Boost Skills' icons looks exactly like your ordinary skills

b.) While Passive Boost Skills looks like this

5.) Equipping Boost Skills and Passive Boost Skills

a.) to equip BOOST SKILLS, you can see learned boosts skills on where you normally equip ordinary skills


b.) to equip PASSIVE boost skills, go to PANEL and the second tab is where you equip passive boost skills

6.) Boost Skill Table

I only included the PASSIVE BOOST SKILLS since the BOOST SKILLS info is already included in the SKILL TABLE


1.) SML = small
2.) MED = medium
3.) LRG = large
4.) RST = resist
5.) DMG = damage
6.) EXP = experience
7.) HP = hit points
8.) AVD = avoid
9.) ATK = attack
10.) DEF = defense
11.) INT = intelligence

1.) 片手剣 One-Hand Sword

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
ATKアップ・小 ATK UP Small 1 ATK↑ ATK + 30
HITアップ・小 HIT UP Small 1 Hit↑ Hit + 30
HPアップ・中 HP UP Medium 5 HP↑ HP + 1000
水耐性・小 Water RST Small 3 Water RST↑ Water RST + 30
水耐性・大 Water RST Large 6 Water RST↑ Water RST + 60
停滞耐性・小 Stagnation RST Small 2 Stagnation RST↑ Stagnation RST +
停滞耐性・大 Stagnation RST Large 4 Stagnation RST↑ Stagnation RST +++
経験値アップ・中 EXP UP Medium 4 Experience Gain↑ EXP + 20% (affects skill)
行動速度アップ Action Speed UP 10 Skill Speed↑ None
博愛の心 Kind Heart 3 Partner Protect %↑ Guards Partner
ずっとゼンブミエール Zenbu Milk Effect 20 Uses The Item's Effect None

Kind Heart : when you or your partner is in danger, you / them will take damage in your / their stead when you / them are in near death situation

Zenbu Milk Effect : Zenbu Milk is a Non-Buyable item that is once used will reveal ALL gathering locations in all areas of the map


2.) 両手剣 Two-Hand Sword

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
ATKアップ・中 ATK UP Medium 5 ATK↑ ATK + 50
DEFアップ・小 DEF UP Small 1 DEF↑ DEF + 15
HPアップ・小 HP UP Small 1 HP↑ HP + 500
火耐性・小 Fire RST Small 3 Fire RST↑ Fire RST + 30
火耐性・大 Fire RST Large 6 Fire RST↑ Fire RST + 60
アストラム中毒耐性・小 Astral Poison RST Small 2 Astral Poison RST↑ Astral Poison RST +
アストラム中毒耐性・大 Astral Poison RST LRG 4 Astral Poison RST↑ Astral Poison RST +++
経験値アップ・大 EXP UP Large 8 Experiece Gain↑ EXP + 30% (affects skill)
スキル経験値アップ・中 Skill EXP UP Medium 4 Skill EXP Gain↑ None
回復アイテム強化・中 Item Recovery UP MED 4 Item Recovery↑ Recovery + 20% (affects skill)
背水の陣 Reverse Water Stance 21 DMG↑,AP Usage x2 Deals More Damage

3.) Spear

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
AVDアップ・中 AVD UP Medium 5 AVD↑ AVD + 25
拘束耐性・小 Restraint RST Small 2 Restraint RST↑ Restraint RST +
拘束耐性・大 Restraint RST LRG 4 Restraint RST↑ Restraint RST +++
拘束付加・小 Inflict Restraint Small 2 Inflict Restraint Restraint Chance +
拘束付加・大 Inflict Restraint LRG 4 Inflict Restraint Restraint Chance +++
経験値アップ・小 EXP UP Small 2 Experience Gain↑ EXP + 10% (affects skill)
攻撃アイテム強化・小 Item ATK Power SML 1 Item ATK Power↑ Info Below
敵戦意ダウン強化 Heart Breaker 10 Enemy Mood Down↑ Info Below
味方戦意耐性 Heart of  Steel 10 Ally Mood↓ RST↑ Info Below
味方戦意アップ強化 Bravery 10 Ally Mood↑ Info Below
ずっと弁当 Bento Effect 9 Passive Lunch Effect Info Below

Item ATK Power SML : this passive skill increase the damage of OFFENSIVE ITEMS by 50% and the CHANCE of ITEMS THAT AFFLICTS STATUS EFFECT by 50%

Heart Breaker : this kanji 敵戦意ダウン強化 actually means "Opponents Fighting Mood Decreases More" but i used "Heart Breaker" instead, the effect of this passive skill is it further increase the decrease of Fighting Mood of Blue Icon Skills on Enemies

Heart of Steel : this kanji 味方戦意耐性 actually means "Ally Fighting Mood Resistance" but i used "Heart of Steel" instead, the effect of this passive skill is it increases your Fighting Mood Resistance on enemy attacks that decreases your Fighting Mood.

Bravery : this kanji 味方戦意アップ強化 actually means "Ally Fighting Mood Effect Increase" but i used "Bravery" instead, the effect of this passive skill is it further increase your Red Icon Skill's Fighting Mood Increase.

Bento Effect : the effect of this passive skill is it makes the effect of eaten meals / lunch last forever per quest rather than just lasting for 5 battles per quest


4.) Bow

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
HITアップ・大 HIT UP Large 10 HIT↑ HIT + 100
RSTアップ・大 RST UP Large 5 RST↑ RST + 50
風耐性・小 Wind RST Small 3 Wind RST↑ WInd RST + 30
風耐性・大 Wind RST Large 6 Wind RST↑ Wind RST + 60
火属性付加 Add Fire Attr. 3 ATKs have Fire Attr. None
水属性付加 Add Water Attr. 3 ATKs have Water Attr. None
風属性付加 Add Wind Attr. 3 ATKs have Wind Attr. None
土属性付加 Add Earth Attr. 3 ATKs have Earth Attr. None
スキル経験値アップ・大 Skill EXP UP LRG 15 Skill EXP Gain↑ None
捕獲確率アップ・大 Capture Chance UP LRG 5 Capture Chance↑ None
HP回復量アップ・小 HP Recovery UP SML 3 HP Recovery↑ HP Recovery + 15%

5.) ボウガン Bowgun

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
DEFアップ・小 DEF UP Small 1 DEF↑ DEF + 15
HITアップ・中 HIT UP Medium 5 HIT↑ HIT + 50
AVDアップ・中 AVD UP Medium 5 AVD↑ AVD + 25
RSTアップ・小 RST UP Small 1 RST↑ RST + 15
無気力耐性・小 Lethargy RST Small 2 Lethargy RST↑ Lethargy RST +
無気力耐性・大 Lethargy RST Large 4 Lethargy RST↑ Lethargy RST +++
無気力付加・小 Inflict Lethargy SML 2 Inflict Lethargy Lethargy Chance +
無気力付加・大 Inflict Lethargy LRG 4 Inflict Lethargy Lethargy Chance +++
捕獲確率アップ・小 Capture Chance UP SML 4 Capture Chance↑ None
攻撃アイテム強化・中 Item ATK Power MED 5 Item ATK Power↑ Info Below
必ずプレイヤー有利 Upper Hand 26 Info Below Info Below

Item ATK Power MED : this passive skill increase the damage of OFFENSIVE ITEMS by 100% and the CHANCE of ITEMS THAT AFFLICTS STATUS EFFECT by 60%

Upper Hand : this kanji 必ずプレイヤー有利 actually means "Player Always Has The Advantage" but i used "Upper Hand" instead, the effect of this passive skill is in every battle ( EXCEPT EVENT BOSS BATTLES ) the player always has the advantage


6.) Katana

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
ATKアップ・中 ATK UP Medium 5 ATK↑ ATK + 50
HITアップ・小 HIT UP Small 1 HIT↑ HIT + 30
AVDアップ・小 AVD UP Small 1 AVD↑ AVD + 15
INTアップ・小 INT UP Small 1 INT↑ INT + 30
即死耐性・小 Instant Death RST SML 2 Instant Death RST↑ Instant Death RST +
即死耐性・大 Instant Death RST LRG 4 Instant Death RST↑ Instant Death RST +++
即死付加・小 Instant Death SML 2 Inflict Instant Death Instant Death Chance +
即死付加・大 Instant Death LRG 4 Inflict Instant Death Instant Death Chance +++
コンボプラスの極意・中 Combo Plus Medium 5 Info Below Info Below
クリティカル吸収 Critical Absorb 28 Info Below Info Below
クリティカルアップ・大 Critical UP Large 6 Critical Rate↑ None

Combo Plus Medium : this kanji コンボプラスの極意・中 actually means "The Secret of Combo Plus Medium" but i used "Combo Plus Medium" instead , the effect of this passive skill is that if a number of attack hit has reached not less than 10, your attack damage will increase

Critical Absorb : The effect of this passive skills is that in every succesful critical hit, you'll recover HP depending on the critical damage dealt


7.) 双剣 Dual Sword

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
ATKアップ・小 ATK UP Small 1 ATK↑ ATK + 30
DEFアップ・中 DEF UP Medium 5 DEF↑ DEF + 25
AVDアップ・大 AVD UP Large 10 AVD↑ AVD + 50
毒耐性・小 Poison RST SML 2 Poison RST↑ Poison RST +
毒耐性・大 Poison RST LRG 4 Poison RST↑ Poison RST +++
毒付加・小 Inflict Poison SML 2 Inflict Poison↑ Poison Chance +
毒付加・大 Inflict Poison LRG 4 Inflict Poison↑ Poison Chance +++
コンボプラスの極意・大 Combo Plus Large 10 Info Below Info Below
逃走神 God of Escape 3 Escape Chance↑ Escape More Easily
コンボプラス99 Combo Plus 99 5 Info Below Info Below
気配消しのお守りの極意 Presence Concealing 13 Info Below Info Below

Combo Plus Large : this kanji コンボプラスの極意・大 actually means "The Secret of Combo Plus Large" but i used "Combo Plus Large" instead, the effect of this passive skill is that if a number of attack hit has reached not less than 10, your attack damage will increase

Combo Plus 99 : the effect of this passive skill is that when your number of attack hits reached 99, your damage will be doubled

Presence Concealing : this kanji 気配消しのお守りの極意 actually means "The Secret of Presence Concealing Amulet" but i used "Presence Concealing" instead, the effect of this passive skill is that aggressive monster will ignore you and never chase you, but this doesn't affect monster with levels 200 and up


8.) 軽打撃 Light Strike / Mace / Rod / Staff

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
DEFアップ・中 DEF UP Medium 5 DEF↑ DEF + 25
INTアップ・中 INT UP Medium 5 INT↑ INT + 50
RSTアップ・中 RST UP Medium 5 RST↑ RST + 25
HPアップ・中 HP UP Medium 5 HP↑ HP + 1000
封印耐性・小 Seal RST Small 2 Seal RST↑ Seal RST +
封印耐性・大 Seal RST Large 4 Seal RST↑ Seal RST +++
封印付加・小 Inflict Seal SML 2 Inflict Seal↑ Seal Chance +
封印付加・大 Inflict Seal LRG 4 Inflict Seal↑ Seal Chance +++
スキル経験値アップ・中 Skill EXP UP MED 4 Skill EXP Gain↑ None
攻撃アイテム強化・大 Item ATK Power LRG 13 Info Below Info Below
回復アイテム強化・大 Item Recovery UP LRG 10 Item Recovery↑ Recovery + 30% (affects skill)

Item ATK Power LRG : this passive skill increase the damage of OFFENSIVE ITEMS by 200% and the CHANCE of ITEMS THAT AFFLICTS STATUS EFFECT by 70%


9.) 闘拳 Warfist

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
HITアップ・中 HIT UP Medium 5 HIT↑ HIT + 50
AVDアップ・小 AVD UP Small 1 AVD↑ AVD + 15
HPアップ・大 HP UP Large 15 HP↑ HP + 2000
麻痺耐性・小 Paralyze RST SML 2 Paralyze RST↑ Paralyze RST +
麻痺耐性・大 Paralyze RST LRG 4 Paralyze RST↑ Paralyze RST +++
麻痺付加・小 Inflict Paralyze SML 2 Inflict Paralyze↑ Paralyze Chance +
麻痺付加・大 Inflict Paralyze LRG 4 Inflict Paralyze↑ Paralyze Chance +++
経験値アップ・中 EXP UP Medium 4 Experience Gain↑ EXP Gain + 20% (affects skill)
コンボプラスの極意・小 Combo Plus Small 1 Info Below Info Below
HP回復量アップ・大 HP Recovery UP LRG 6 HP Recovery↑ HP Recovery + 30%
無限活力 Infinite Energy 15 Info Below Info Below

Combo Plus Small : this kanji コンボプラスの極意・小 actually means "The Secret of Combo Plus Small" but i used "Combo Plus Small" instead, the effect of this passive skill is that if a number of attack hit has reached not less than 10, your attack damage will increase

Infinite Energy : the effect of this passive skill is that every after battle, you recover 20% of your Max HP


10.) 重打撃 Heavy Strike / Axe / Hammer / Scythe

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
ATKアップ・大 ATK UP Large 10 ATK↑ ATK + 100
土耐性・小 Earth RST Small 3 Earth RST↑ Earth RST + 30
土耐性・大 Earth RST Large 6 Earth RST↑ Earth RST + 60
気絶耐性・小 Stun RST Small 2 Stun RST↑ Stun RST +
気絶耐性・大 Stun RST Large 4 Stun RST↑ Stun RST +++
気絶付加・小 Inflict Stun SML 2 Inflict Stun↑ Stun Chance +
気絶付加・大 Inflict Stun LRG 4 Inflict Stun↑ Stun Chance +++
経験値アップ・小 EXP UP Small 2 Experience Gain↑ EXP Gain + 10%
危険なお守りの極意・小 Adrenaline Rush 21 Info Below Info Below
回復アイテム強化・小 Item Recovery UP SML 2 Item Recovery↑ Recovery + 20% (affects skill)
クリティカルアップ・小 Critical UP small 3 Critical Rate↑ None

Adrenaline Rush : this kanji 危険なお守りの極意・小 actually means "The Secret of Danger Amulet" but i used "Adrenaline Rush" instead, the effect of this passive skill is that your damage dealt will increase same as damage received


11.) 戦盾 War Shield

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
DEFアップ・大 DEF UP Large 10 DEF↑ DEF + 50
HPアップ・小 HP UP Small 1 HP↑ HP + 500
呪い耐性・小 Curse RST Small 2 Curse RST↑ Curse RST +
呪い耐性・大 Curse RST Large 4 Curse RST↑ Cursed RST +++
呪い付加・小 Inflict Curse SML 2 Inflict Curse↑ Curse Chance +
呪い付加・大 Inflict Curse LRG 4 Inflict Curse↑ Curse Chance +++
スキル経験値アップ・小 Skill EXP UP Small 2 Skill EXP↑ None
行動速度ダウン Action Speed Down 4 Speed Down None
安全なお守りの極意 Safety Aura 10 Info Below Info Below
ずっと保護ソール Soul Effect 5 Uses The Item's Effect None
ずっと採取量アップ Collector 15 Info Below Info Below

Safety Aura : this kanji 安全なお守りの極意 actually means "The Secret of Safety Amulet" but i used "Safety Aura" instead, the effect of this passive skill is that receive less damage to attacks

Soul Effect : this passive skill uses the item effect of ココ保護ソール ( Individual Soul Protection ) which protects you on floors that has status effects

Collector : increases collected items on gathering spots


12.) 魔法 Magic

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
INTアップ・小 INT UP Small 2 INT↑ INT + 30
INTアップ・中 INT UP Medium 10 INT↑ INT + 50
INTアップ・大 INT UP Large 20 INT↑ INT + 100
RSTアップ・小 RST UP Small 2 RST↑ RST + 15
RSTアップ・中 RST UP Medium 10 RST↑ RST + 25
スキル経験値アップ・小 Skill EXP UP Small 10 Skill EXP↑ None
いきなりブーストAP Initial Boost AP 100 Info Below Info Below
火魔法威力アップ Fire Magic UP 50 Fire DMG↑ Fire DMG + 20%
水魔法威力アップ Water Magic UP 50 Water DMG↑ Water DMG + 20%
風魔法威力アップ Wind Magic UP 50 Wind DMG↑ Wind DMG + 20%
土魔法威力アップ Earth Magic UP 50 Earth DMG↑ Earth DMG + 20%
無魔法威力アップ Neutral Magic UP 50 Neutral DMG&38593; Neutral DMG + 20%
回復魔法威力アップ Recovery Magic UP 50 Recovery↑ Recovery + 10%
弱体魔法効果時間アップ Status Effect Mastery 30 Info Below Info Below
無心 Innocence 20 Info Below Info Below
クリティカルアイテム Critical Item 255 Info Below Info Below

Initial Boost AP : gains One charge of Boost AP on the start of a battle ( requires UPDATE v1.01 to work properly )

Status Effect Mastery : the effect of this passive skill is it doubles the turns of inflicted status effect

Innoncence : ( I AM NOT SURE IF I TRANSLATED THIS ONE RIGHT ) the effect of this passive skill is that it gives all magic moves an increase in Fighting Mood Effect

Critical Item : the effect of this passive skill is that it grants you 100% drop rate on Critical Mode


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  1. hey Ghostkaiser,
    great work on this list! It helps a lot and makes the game so much more transparent and fun.

    By the way i spotted two little errors.
    The title for the Shield category says Warfist and the english name for the magic skill
    Res up has to be Medium instead of large.

    M. Spack from gamefaqs ;)

    1. thank you ^_^ and i'll be fixing those two errors right away, thanks for spotting them

  2. why i didnt unlock the boost skill quest even though i already defeated astral deus in astral earth on blue flagged quest

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I still can't find that god dam blue flag quest for boost skill from advancing partner storyline to lvling them up i still don't god dam see it ughhh this is frustrating but I'm still determined

  6. Alright so apparently the part you said defeat 2 gargoyle is correct but u didn't say anything about lv70 requirement looks like you lvling too hard you didn't even notice or something

    1. Yeah the veterans was too much overleveled when they beat Astral Deus. (I beat deus at 51 so same situation as you) So this important info can be missable.
      They're probably always hunt UMA or some of them carried by other OP veterans. Even this guide didn't mention this important info.

  7. Hey one of your boost skills for one-hand sword says “Zenbu Milk Effect” it actually supposed to mean “Always Seeing” “All Seeing” or you can also do “Omnipresence”. The skill basically means you can see everywhere. I can further help you with some translations when i see it.

  8. Magic skill “Innocence” is supposed to be “Braveheart”
