Saturday, August 23, 2014



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DLC's, includes missions, missions for new skills and some armors

sorry can't pinpoint them one by one

Download the DLC HERE

Password: cursedkaiser

Important Note:If you already have the FOLDER NPJH50721, just place the contents of this files inside the NPJH50721 folder

How to obtain DLC contents? Just talk to this bird comfortably sitting on a mail box just in front of your house.

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Why Update To V1.01?

Why Update To V1.01?

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Why Update To V1.01?

Update 1.01 of Frontier Gate Boost+ has lots of bug fixes especially on bugs relating to Player Advantages Mode, Boost Skills, Skills, Purchasing, ETC.

check this image to know if your game is already in Update 1.01,

Check the lower right most corner of the screen, it should have "1.01" on it

Your game is not yet in Update 1.01? don't worry, i'll provide the necessary files to update your game to 1.01

Files you may need:

1.) Untouched Frontier Gate Boost+ ISO
2.) The Frontier Gate Boost+ Update 1.01 file
3.) Iso Tool

You can download Frontier Gate Boost+ Update 1.01 HERE

You can download Iso Tool HERE

Passwords: cursedkaiser

Important Note:If you already have the FOLDER NPJH50721, just place the contents of this files inside the NPJH50721 folder


1.) Make sure your Frontier Gate Boost+ ISO is untouched, and should be in ISO format

2.) Download Update 10.1 and Iso Tool

3.) Extract the files

4.) Connect your psp to your computer

5.) put iso_tool folder in GAME FOLDER

6.) put NPJH50721 folder in GAME FOLDER as well

7.) Run iso_tool and locate your Frontier Gate Boost+ Iso, navigate iso_tool with left or right and press X on your Frontier Gate Boost+ iso

8.) Choose Game Update

9.) Wait for a minute and it should be done in a minute

10.) Exit iso_tool then run Frontier Gate Boost+

11.) Check if your Main Menu has 1.01 in it like the image above located at the very most lower right corner of the screen.

12.) Enjoy playing a bugfixed version of Frontier Gate Boost+ ^_^

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Friday, August 22, 2014



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Thermae is like a sauna bath where you / others take a bath, but unlike any other games, it doesn't add any additional effects like more attack power or more hp. It's effect is in increases you and your partners effectiveness probably during combinations.

you can also further increase the effect of Thermae with the use of ESSENCE's. Essence are items that you use before entering the Thermae Bath.

Here are the Menus on Thermae
First: Enter Thermae bath
Second: Choose an Essence

Essence Table

Name English Price Info Location
お日様の香り Sun Aroma 50 Preferred By Nisei such as Local Girls Zephryus
緑草の香り Green Grass Aroma 50 Preferred By Swordsmith such as Young Lads Notos
花の香り Blossom Aroma 50 Preffered by Womens Harbor
石鹸の香り Soap Aroma 50 Preferred By Knights such as Doctors Harbor
魅惑の香り Captivating Aroma 50 Preferred By both sexes that lives in the Backstreets Sena
不思議な香り Miracle Aroma 50 Preferred By Strangers such as Heros Settlers
汗の香り Moisturizing Aroma 50 Preferred By Masculine People Harbor

I am sorry about the descriptions, those are actually the translations of the essence effects, probably pertaining on the personalities of your parnters

Essence effects last for two baths

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Frontier Lv

Frontier Lv

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Frontier Lv

Frontier Lv is the bond or connection level between you and your partner, the higher the Frontier Lv, The higher your AP is. The Maximum Frontier Lv is 15.

How to increase it? Always bring a partner on a quest and sooner or later this will be available in the quest selection. It's the Frontier Quest

Clear a Frontier Quest of your partner and your Frontier Lv will increase by ONE per Frontier Quest with THAT PARTNER. At first, the maximum Frontier Lv is 10, further in the game, if you unlocked Boost Skill, It will reach up to Lv 15

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Useful tips: for example you got poisoned or cursed or whatever bad status effect you just recieved... the TEXT OF THE ITEM used for healing that certain condition will change into a different color, it's a good indicator especially if you can't read Kanji...... if, you have that particular item

Item Table

Name English Price Effect Target
小傷薬 Small Potion 50 Heals 100HP Ally
中傷薬 Medium Potion 100 Heals 500HP Ally
大傷薬 Large Potion 200 Heals 1000HP Ally
小傷薬セット Small Potion Set 100 Heals 100HP All Allies
中傷薬セット Medium Potion Set 200 Heals 500HP All Allies
神秘の傷薬 Mysterious Potion Not For Sale Heals Half of Max HP Ally
奇跡の傷薬 Miracle Potion Not For Sale Heals Max HP Ally
神々の傷薬 Gods Potion Not For Sale Heals Max HP All All Allies
特大傷薬 Extra Large Potion 1000 Heals 5000HP Ally
活力の苦薬 Weak Energy Drug 250 Ressurects With Half of HP All Allies
活力の劇薬 Strong Energy Drug Not For Sale Ressurects With Full HP Ally
活力の超薬 Hyper Energy Drug Not For Sale Ressurects With Full HP All Allies
毒消し薬 Poison Cure 30 Cures Poison Ally
麻痺消し薬 Paralyze Cure 30 Cures Paralysis Ally
封印消し薬 Seal Cure 30 Cures Seal Ally
呪い消し薬 Curse Cure 30 Cures Curse Ally
停滞消し薬 Stagnation Cure 30 Cures Stagnation Ally
無気力消し薬 Lethargy Cure 30 Cures Lethargy Ally
アストラム中和剤 Astra Poisoning Cure 30 Cures Astra Poisoning Ally
多異常消し薬 Multiple Cure 100 Cures All Bad Effects Ally
多異常消し特薬 Special Multiple Cure 200 Cures All Bad Effects All Allies
炎の玉 Flame Sphere 150 Deals 100 Fire DMG All Enemies
水の玉 Water Sphere 150 Deals 100 Water DMG All Enemies
風の玉 Wind Sphere 150 Deals 100 Wind DMG All Enemies
大地の玉 Earth Sphere 150 Deals 100 Earth DMG All Enemies
無の玉 Neutral Sphere 150 Deals 150 Neutral DMG All Enemies
炎の大玉 Large Flame Sphere 500 Deals 1000 Fire DMG All Enemies
水の大玉 Large Water Sphere 500 Deals 1000 Water DMG All Enemies
風の大玉 Large Wind Sphere 500 Deals 1000 Wind DMG All Enemies
大地の大玉 Large Earth Sphere 500 Deals 1000 Earth DMG All Enemies
無の大玉 Large Neutral Sphere 500 Deals 1500 Neutral DMG All Enemies
即死符 Instant Death Charm 40 Low Chance to Inflict Instant Death Enemy
毒符 Poison Charm 40 Low Chance to Inflict Poison Enemy
気絶符 Stun Charm 40 Low Chance to Inflict Stun Enemy
麻痺符 Paraylze Charm 40 Low Chance to Inflict Paralyze Enemy
拘束符 Restraint Charm 40 Low Chance to Inflict Restraint Enemy
封印符 Seal Charm 40 Low Chance to Inflict Seal Enemy
呪い符 Curse Charm 40 Low Chance to Inflict Seal Enemy
無気力符 Lethargy Charm 40 Low Chance to Inflict Lethargy Enemy
攻撃の幻粉 ATK Phantom Dust 50 ATK UP 5 Turns Ally
防御の幻粉 DEF Phantom Dust 50 DEF UP 5 Turns Ally
命中の幻粉 HIT Phantom Dust 50 HIT UP 5 Turns Ally
回避の幻粉 AVD Phantom Dust 50 AVD UP 5 Turns Ally
知力の幻粉 INT Phantom Dust 50 INT UP 5 Turns Ally
魔耐の幻粉 RST Phantom Dust 50 RST UP 5 Turns Ally
速度の幻粉 SPD Phantom Dust 50 SPD UP 1 Turn Ally
攻撃の邪粉 ATK Wicked Dust 50 ATK DOWN 5 Turns Enemy
防御の邪粉 DEF Wicked Dust 50 DEF DOWN 5 Turns Enemy
命中の邪粉 HIT Wicked Dust 50 HIT DOWN 5 Turns Enemy
回避の邪粉 AVD Wicked Dust 50 AVD DOWN 5 Turns Enemy
知力の邪粉 INT Wicked Dust 50 INT DOWN 5 Turns Enemy
魔耐の邪粉 RST Wicked Dust 50 RST DOWN 5 Turns Enemy
速度の邪粉 SPD Wicked Dust 50 SPD DOWN 5 Turns Enemy
ファイトソウル Fight Soul 40 Increases Fight Mood Ally
ダウナーソウル Down Soul 40 Decrease Fight Mood Enemy
帰還の翼 Return Wing 1500 Return to Home Point None
ココミエール Soul Milk 100 Reveals Collection Points on 1 Area None
ゼンブミエール Zenbu Milk Not For Sale Reveals Collection Points in ALL Areas None
ココ保護ソール Individual Soul Protection 100 Remove Floor Effects on 1 Area None
ゼンブ保護ソール Zenbu Soul Protection Not For Sale Remove Floor Effects in ALL Areas None

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Thursday, August 21, 2014



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Accessory Table

Name English Price Effect Location
パワーピアス Power Pierce 999 ATK + 5% Alley / Blacksmith-Shop
べっ甲の指輪 Tortoise Shell Ring 1500 DEF + 5% Euros 2nd District
イーグルアイ Eagle Eye 100 HIT + 5% Alley / Blacksmith-Shop
ウサギの毛 Rabbit Hair 2000 AVD + 5% Borias 3rd District
知恵の輪 Ring of Wisdom 2500 INT + 5% Settlers ( after expansion )
ドラゴンのうろこ Dragon Scale 3000 RST + 5% Borias 3rd District
リモーマオのお守り Rimo-Mao Amulet 10000 HP + 5% Zephyrus 2nd District
ファイトピアス Fight Pierce 5000 Fight Mood increase on battle start Notos 3rd District
スピードリング Speed Ring 4444 Action speed increases Allel / Blacksmith-Shop (post game)
秘孔心眼 Mind's Eye 10000 Critical UP Settlers
コンボプラス Combo Plus 10000 Increae DMG after 10 hits Euros 3rd District
経験の手帳 Diary of Experience 10000 Experience UP Settlers ( after expansion )
熟練の手帳 Diary of Skills 10000 Skill EXP UP Settlers ( after expansion )
ラッキージュエル Lucky Jewel 10000 Item Drop UP Phantom Merchant ( Alley )
弁慶ソウル Strong Soul 10000 Protects your partner for 2turns??? Settlers ( after expansion )
ピンチヒッター Pinch Hit 10000 Endure Killing Blow, But your HP is 1 Phantom Merchant
ファイアリング Fire Ring 10000 Grants Weapon Fire Attr. Zephyrus
ウォーターリング Water Ring 10000 Grants Weapon Water Attr. Borias
ウィンドリング Wind Ring 10000 Grants Weapon Wind Attr. Euros
グラウンドリング Ground Ring 10000 Grants Weapon Earth Attr. Notos
ファイアネックレス Fire Necklace 10000 Fire RST + 20 Zephyrus
ウォーターネックレス Water Necklace 10000 Water RST + 20 Borias
ウィンドネックレス Wind Necklace 10000 Wind RST + 20 Euros
グラウンドネックレス Ground Necklace 10000 Earth RST + 20 Notos
デスピアス Death Pierce 10000 Grants Weapon Instant Death Notos 2nd District
ポイズンピアス Poison Pierce 10000 Grants Weapon Poison Sena
スタンピアス Stun Pierce 10000 Grants Weapon Stun Sena
パラライズピアス Paralyze Pierce 10000 Grants Weapon Paralyze Sena (after expansion)
バインドピアス Bind Pierce 10000 Grants Weapon Restraint Sena (after expansion)
シールピアス Seal Pierce 10000 Grants Weapon Seal Sena (after expansion)
カースピアス Curse Pierce 10000 Grants Weapon Curse Zephyrus 3rd District
ウィークピアス Weak Pierce 10000 Grants Weapon Lethargy Euros 2nd District
デスブレスレット Death Bracelet 10000 Immnune to Instant Death Notos 2nd District
ポイズンブレスレット Poison Bracelet 10000 Immnune to Poison Harbor
スタンブレスレット Stun Bracelet 10000 Immune to Stun Harbor
パラライズブレスレット Paralyze Bracelet 10000 Immune to Paralyze Harbor
バインドブレスレット Bind Bracelet 10000 Immune to Restraint Harbor
シールブレスレット Seal Bracelet 10000 Immune to Seal Harbor
カースブレスレット Curse Bracelet 10000 Immune to Curse Zephyrus 3rd District
リメインブレスレット Remain Bracelet 10000 Immune to Stagnation Harbor
アストラムブレスレット Astra Time Bracelet 10000 Immune to Astra Poisoning Harbor
ウィークブレスレット Weak Bracelet 10000 Immune to Lethargy Borias 2nd District
レインボーブレスレット Rainbow Bracelet 10000 Resistance to All Bad Status Harbor ( post game )
ダウンブレスレット Down Bracelet 10000 Immune to Defense Down??? Harbor
気配消しのお守り Presence Conceal Amulet 10000 Monsters Ignores You Phantom Merchant ( Alley )
雑誌 TV Bros. TV Bros. Magazine 10000 R + ↓ Field Emotion DLC ( Alley )
危険なお守り Hazardous Amulet 10000 Damage UP, Recieved Damage UP Phantom Merchant
安全なお守り Safety Amulet 10000 Damage UP, Recieved Damage Down Phantom Merchant ( Alley )

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board Info

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Bulletin Board Info


the bulletin board sometimes contains a post about infos that affects in-game situations like price of items, price of quests, monster aggressiveness and so on.

we will tackle in this section all of the message board info


The Bulletin Board

Name English Effect
幻の行商人現る! Phantom Traveler Merchant Appearance Appears infront of the Blacksmith / Shop
モンスターの襲撃により物価が上昇 Monsters Attacks Traders!!! High prices ( x1.5 )
ンスターの襲撃により物価が大上昇 Monsters Attacks More Traders!!! Higher prices ( x2 )
敵対部族の襲撃により物価が上昇 Hostile Tribes Attacks Traders!!! High prices ( x1.5 )
敵対部族の襲撃により物価が大上昇 Hostile Tribes Attacks More Traders!!! Higher prices ( x2 )
違法開拓者の襲撃により物価が上昇 Illegal Settlers Attacks Traders!!! High prices ( x1.5 )
違法開拓者の襲撃により物価が大上昇 Illegal Settlers Attacks More Traders!!! Higher prices ( x2 )
盗賊の襲撃により物価が上昇 Thieves Attacks Traders!!! High prices ( x1.5 )
盗賊の襲撃により物価が大上昇 Thieves Attacks More Traders!!! Higher prices ( x2 )
豊作により物価が下落 Good Harvest Low prices ( x0.75 )
大豊作により物価が大幅下落 Bountyful Harvest Lower prices ( x0.5 )
輸入により物価が下落 Good Merchandise Imports Low prices ( x0.75 )
輸入増により物価が大幅下落 Very Good Merchandise Imports Lower prices ( x0.50 )
物資供給により物価が下落 Good Supply Low prices ( x0.75 )
過剰供給により物価が大幅下落 Very Good Supply Lower prices ( x0.50 )
緊急増税発令 Emergency Tax Increase Higher prices ( x2 )
〜により素材の価格が上昇 Material Price Raise High Price for Materials ( x1.5 )
〜により素材の価格が下落 Material Price Discount Low Price for Materials ( x0.75 )
人気でアクセサリ価格が上昇 Accessory Price Raise High Price for Accessory ( x1.5 )
人気終焉でアクセサリ価格が下落 Accessory Price Discount Low Price for Accessory ( x0.75 )
一攫千金チャンス到来 Get Rich Real Quick Quest Fee and Reward Doubled
開拓推進キャンペーン開始 Pioneer Promotion Campaign Lower Quest Fee
ボーナスキャンペーン開始 Bonus Campaign Initiation Increase Experience Gain
繁殖期到来 Breeding Seaoson Monsters Are Aggresive
停滞期到来 Stagnation Period Arrival Monsters Are Gentle

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Village Map

Village Map

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Village Map


Village Map

sometimes, after completing a certain quest, you receive a prompt about pressing START button, it means just press START to view the Village Map because you have unlocked a new district.

Those newly unlocked districts at first only have one area, clear more quests and those districts will unlock two or three more areas. don't worry, you'll not miss those new areas in those districts since you'll always be prompt with the start button and the icon of the district has a light indicator on it.

NOTE: there is a SENA District which i haven't unlocked yet

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Teach Partners New Weapons

Teach Partners New Weapons

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Teach Partners New Weapons


Some of you might have noticed that some NPC partners can't equip other weapons besides those that are already available at the beginning. There is a way to teach them how to use a different kind of weapon, and that is by clearing a certain quest.

In this section, we will tackle the quests that is required to learn new weapons for your partners




Just clear any of those quests that are boxed with a partner you want to teach the weapon to. bringing along a partner that already knows that particular weapon will still show the message that your partner have learned that type of weapon but that's nothing, it's a default event on the game after clearing those kinds of quests

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Monday, August 18, 2014

Boost Table

Boost Table

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Boost Table

Boost Skills are the extra addition in FRONTIER GATE BOOST+.
to be able to unlock Boost Skills, You first should have already defeated ASTRAL DEUS in ASTRAL EARTH on a Blue Flagged Quest ( because it is a part of the story)

after this, a new quest should be unlocked marked with a Blue Flag and a location with the picture of a "question mark", the name of the quest is this
( 新たなる力を求めて )

to make sure you are on the right map, this quest have random locations on each areas, exiting an area brings you on a different location ( sometimes you need to exit two areas to get on a new location ).

then at the boss area, you should see there the Guild Master, talk to him, then he'll let you fight two GARGOYLES, beat them and you'll unlock the BOOST SKILL menu, and there is where you'll learn BOOST SKILLS.

these section will help you understand Boost Skills.

1.) Two Types Of Boost Skill

There are two types of Boost Skill, SKILL and PASSIVE

a.) SKILL are attack skills restricted only to a specific weapon

b.) while PASSIVE skills remains active if equipped and can be mixed, for example, ONE-HAND Passive Boost Skills + KATANA Passive Boost Skill

2.) Where To Locate Boost Skill Menu

If you have defeated the quest above, press triangle and a new inventory will be available, next to PANEL and before EAT COOKED MEAL

that menu is where you LEARN and NOT equip boost skills

3.) How To Learn Boost Skills

You need "BP" or "BOOST POINTS" to learn a certain Boost Skill.

IMPORTANT THING TO KNOW : You should have mastered a certain weapon up to Lv 15 to be able to earn BP, unlocking BOOST SKILLS will further increase the maximum Lv of Weapon Skill you can gain upto Lv 99. but instead of learning new skills, you earn BP, One Weapon Lv is equal to One BP

4.) Equipping Boost Skills

First, you must know the difference of the icons of BOOST SKILLS and the PASSIVE BOOST SKILL

a.) Boost Skills' icons looks exactly like your ordinary skills

b.) While Passive Boost Skills looks like this

5.) Equipping Boost Skills and Passive Boost Skills

a.) to equip BOOST SKILLS, you can see learned boosts skills on where you normally equip ordinary skills


b.) to equip PASSIVE boost skills, go to PANEL and the second tab is where you equip passive boost skills

6.) Boost Skill Table

I only included the PASSIVE BOOST SKILLS since the BOOST SKILLS info is already included in the SKILL TABLE


1.) SML = small
2.) MED = medium
3.) LRG = large
4.) RST = resist
5.) DMG = damage
6.) EXP = experience
7.) HP = hit points
8.) AVD = avoid
9.) ATK = attack
10.) DEF = defense
11.) INT = intelligence

1.) 片手剣 One-Hand Sword

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
ATKアップ・小 ATK UP Small 1 ATK↑ ATK + 30
HITアップ・小 HIT UP Small 1 Hit↑ Hit + 30
HPアップ・中 HP UP Medium 5 HP↑ HP + 1000
水耐性・小 Water RST Small 3 Water RST↑ Water RST + 30
水耐性・大 Water RST Large 6 Water RST↑ Water RST + 60
停滞耐性・小 Stagnation RST Small 2 Stagnation RST↑ Stagnation RST +
停滞耐性・大 Stagnation RST Large 4 Stagnation RST↑ Stagnation RST +++
経験値アップ・中 EXP UP Medium 4 Experience Gain↑ EXP + 20% (affects skill)
行動速度アップ Action Speed UP 10 Skill Speed↑ None
博愛の心 Kind Heart 3 Partner Protect %↑ Guards Partner
ずっとゼンブミエール Zenbu Milk Effect 20 Uses The Item's Effect None

Kind Heart : when you or your partner is in danger, you / them will take damage in your / their stead when you / them are in near death situation

Zenbu Milk Effect : Zenbu Milk is a Non-Buyable item that is once used will reveal ALL gathering locations in all areas of the map


2.) 両手剣 Two-Hand Sword

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
ATKアップ・中 ATK UP Medium 5 ATK↑ ATK + 50
DEFアップ・小 DEF UP Small 1 DEF↑ DEF + 15
HPアップ・小 HP UP Small 1 HP↑ HP + 500
火耐性・小 Fire RST Small 3 Fire RST↑ Fire RST + 30
火耐性・大 Fire RST Large 6 Fire RST↑ Fire RST + 60
アストラム中毒耐性・小 Astra Poison RST Small 2 Astra Poison RST↑ Astra Poison RST +
アストラム中毒耐性・大 Astra Poison RST LRG 4 Astra Poison RST↑ Astra Poison RST +++
経験値アップ・大 EXP UP Large 8 Experiece Gain↑ EXP + 30% (affects skill)
スキル経験値アップ・中 Skill EXP UP Medium 4 Skill EXP Gain↑ None
回復アイテム強化・中 Item Recovery UP MED 4 Item Recovery↑ Recovery + 20% (affects skill)
背水の陣 Reverse Water Stance 21 DMG↑,AP Usage x2 Deals More Damage

3.) Spear

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
AVDアップ・中 AVD UP Medium 5 AVD↑ AVD + 25
拘束耐性・小 Restraint RST Small 2 Restraint RST↑ Restraint RST +
拘束耐性・大 Restraint RST LRG 4 Restraint RST↑ Restraint RST +++
拘束付加・小 Inflict Restraint Small 2 Inflict Restraint Restraint Chance +
拘束付加・大 Inflict Restraint LRG 4 Inflict Restraint Restraint Chance +++
経験値アップ・小 EXP UP Small 2 Experience Gain↑ EXP + 10% (affects skill)
攻撃アイテム強化・小 Item ATK Power SML 1 Item ATK Power↑ Info Below
敵戦意ダウン強化 Heart Breaker 10 Enemy Mood Down↑ Info Below
味方戦意耐性 Heart of  Steel 10 Ally Mood↓ RST↑ Info Below
味方戦意アップ強化 Bravery 10 Ally Mood↑ Info Below
ずっと弁当 Bento Effect 9 Passive Lunch Effect Info Below

Item ATK Power SML : this passive skill increase the damage of OFFENSIVE ITEMS by 50% and the CHANCE of ITEMS THAT AFFLICTS STATUS EFFECT by 50%

Heart Breaker : this kanji 敵戦意ダウン強化 actually means "Opponents Fighting Mood Decreases More" but i used "Heart Breaker" instead, the effect of this passive skill is it further increase the decrease of Fighting Mood of Blue Icon Skills on Enemies

Heart of Steel : this kanji 味方戦意耐性 actually means "Ally Fighting Mood Resistance" but i used "Heart of Steel" instead, the effect of this passive skill is it increases your Fighting Mood Resistance on enemy attacks that decreases your Fighting Mood.

Bravery : this kanji 味方戦意アップ強化 actually means "Ally Fighting Mood Effect Increase" but i used "Bravery" instead, the effect of this passive skill is it further increase your Red Icon Skill's Fighting Mood Increase.

Bento Effect : the effect of this passive skill is it makes the effect of eaten meals / lunch last forever per quest rather than just lasting for 5 battles per quest


4.) Bow

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
HITアップ・大 HIT UP Large 10 HIT↑ HIT + 100
RSTアップ・大 RST UP Large 5 RST↑ RST + 50
風耐性・小 Wind RST Small 3 Wind RST↑ WInd RST + 30
風耐性・大 Wind RST Large 6 Wind RST↑ Wind RST + 60
火属性付加 Add Fire Attr. 3 ATKs have Fire Attr. None
水属性付加 Add Water Attr. 3 ATKs have Water Attr. None
風属性付加 Add Wind Attr. 3 ATKs have Wind Attr. None
土属性付加 Add Earth Attr. 3 ATKs have Earth Attr. None
スキル経験値アップ・大 Skill EXP UP LRG 15 Skill EXP Gain↑ None
捕獲確率アップ・大 Capture Chance UP LRG 5 Capture Chance↑ None
HP回復量アップ・小 HP Recovery UP SML 3 HP Recovery↑ HP Recovery + 15%

5.) ボウガン Bowgun

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
DEFアップ・小 DEF UP Small 1 DEF↑ DEF + 15
HITアップ・中 HIT UP Medium 5 HIT↑ HIT + 50
AVDアップ・中 AVD UP Medium 5 AVD↑ AVD + 25
RSTアップ・小 RST UP Small 1 RST↑ RST + 15
無気力耐性・小 Lethargy RST Small 2 Lethargy RST↑ Lethargy RST +
無気力耐性・大 Lethargy RST Large 4 Lethargy RST↑ Lethargy RST +++
無気力付加・小 Inflict Lethargy SML 2 Inflict Lethargy Lethargy Chance +
無気力付加・大 Inflict Lethargy LRG 4 Inflict Lethargy Lethargy Chance +++
捕獲確率アップ・小 Capture Chance UP SML 4 Capture Chance↑ None
攻撃アイテム強化・中 Item ATK Power MED 5 Item ATK Power↑ Info Below
必ずプレイヤー有利 Upper Hand 26 Info Below Info Below

Item ATK Power MED : this passive skill increase the damage of OFFENSIVE ITEMS by 100% and the CHANCE of ITEMS THAT AFFLICTS STATUS EFFECT by 60%

Upper Hand : this kanji 必ずプレイヤー有利 actually means "Player Always Has The Advantage" but i used "Upper Hand" instead, the effect of this passive skill is in every battle ( EXCEPT EVENT BOSS BATTLES ) the player always has the advantage


6.) Katana

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
ATKアップ・中 ATK UP Medium 5 ATK↑ ATK + 50
HITアップ・小 HIT UP Small 1 HIT↑ HIT + 30
AVDアップ・小 AVD UP Small 1 AVD↑ AVD + 15
INTアップ・小 INT UP Small 1 INT↑ INT + 30
即死耐性・小 Instant Death RST SML 2 Instant Death RST↑ Instant Death RST +
即死耐性・大 Instant Death RST LRG 4 Instant Death RST↑ Instant Death RST +++
即死付加・小 Instant Death SML 2 Inflict Instant Death Instant Death Chance +
即死付加・大 Instant Death LRG 4 Inflict Instant Death Instant Death Chance +++
コンボプラスの極意・中 Combo Plus Medium 5 Info Below Info Below
クリティカル吸収 Critical Absorb 28 Info Below Info Below
クリティカルアップ・大 Critical UP Large 6 Critical Rate↑ None

Combo Plus Medium : this kanji コンボプラスの極意・中 actually means "The Secret of Combo Plus Medium" but i used "Combo Plus Medium" instead , the effect of this passive skill is that if a number of attack hit has reached not less than 10, your attack damage will increase

Critical Absorb : The effect of this passive skills is that in every succesful critical hit, you'll recover HP depending on the critical damage dealt


7.) 双剣 Dual Sword

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
ATKアップ・小 ATK UP Small 1 ATK↑ ATK + 30
DEFアップ・中 DEF UP Medium 5 DEF↑ DEF + 25
AVDアップ・大 AVD UP Large 10 AVD↑ AVD + 50
毒耐性・小 Poison RST SML 2 Poison RST↑ Poison RST +
毒耐性・大 Poison RST LRG 4 Poison RST↑ Poison RST +++
毒付加・小 Inflict Poison SML 2 Inflict Poison↑ Poison Chance +
毒付加・大 Inflict Poison LRG 4 Inflict Poison↑ Poison Chance +++
コンボプラスの極意・大 Combo Plus Large 10 Info Below Info Below
逃走神 God of Escape 3 Escape Chance↑ Escape More Easily
コンボプラス99 Combo Plus 99 5 Info Below Info Below
気配消しのお守りの極意 Presence Concealing 13 Info Below Info Below

Combo Plus Large : this kanji コンボプラスの極意・大 actually means "The Secret of Combo Plus Large" but i used "Combo Plus Large" instead, the effect of this passive skill is that if a number of attack hit has reached not less than 10, your attack damage will increase

Combo Plus 99 : the effect of this passive skill is that when your number of attack hits reached 99, your damage will be doubled

Presence Concealing : this kanji 気配消しのお守りの極意 actually means "The Secret of Presence Concealing Amulet" but i used "Presence Concealing" instead, the effect of this passive skill is that aggressive monster will ignore you and never chase you, but this doesn't affect monster with levels 200 and up


8.) 軽打撃 Light Strike / Mace / Rod / Staff

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
DEFアップ・中 DEF UP Medium 5 DEF↑ DEF + 25
INTアップ・中 INT UP Medium 5 INT↑ INT + 50
RSTアップ・中 RST UP Medium 5 RST↑ RST + 25
HPアップ・中 HP UP Medium 5 HP↑ HP + 1000
封印耐性・小 Seal RST Small 2 Seal RST↑ Seal RST +
封印耐性・大 Seal RST Large 4 Seal RST↑ Seal RST +++
封印付加・小 Inflict Seal SML 2 Inflict Seal↑ Seal Chance +
封印付加・大 Inflict Seal LRG 4 Inflict Seal↑ Seal Chance +++
スキル経験値アップ・中 Skill EXP UP MED 4 Skill EXP Gain↑ None
攻撃アイテム強化・大 Item ATK Power LRG 13 Info Below Info Below
回復アイテム強化・大 Item Recovery UP LRG 10 Item Recovery↑ Recovery + 30% (affects skill)

Item ATK Power LRG : this passive skill increase the damage of OFFENSIVE ITEMS by 200% and the CHANCE of ITEMS THAT AFFLICTS STATUS EFFECT by 70%


9.) 闘拳 Warfist

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
HITアップ・中 HIT UP Medium 5 HIT↑ HIT + 50
AVDアップ・小 AVD UP Small 1 AVD↑ AVD + 15
HPアップ・大 HP UP Large 15 HP↑ HP + 2000
麻痺耐性・小 Paralyze RST SML 2 Paralyze RST↑ Paralyze RST +
麻痺耐性・大 Paralyze RST LRG 4 Paralyze RST↑ Paralyze RST +++
麻痺付加・小 Inflict Paralyze SML 2 Inflict Paralyze↑ Paralyze Chance +
麻痺付加・大 Inflict Paralyze LRG 4 Inflict Paralyze↑ Paralyze Chance +++
経験値アップ・中 EXP UP Medium 4 Experience Gain↑ EXP Gain + 20% (affects skill)
コンボプラスの極意・小 Combo Plus Small 1 Info Below Info Below
HP回復量アップ・大 HP Recovery UP LRG 6 HP Recovery↑ HP Recovery + 30%
無限活力 Infinite Energy 15 Info Below Info Below

Combo Plus Small : this kanji コンボプラスの極意・小 actually means "The Secret of Combo Plus Small" but i used "Combo Plus Small" instead, the effect of this passive skill is that if a number of attack hit has reached not less than 10, your attack damage will increase

Infinite Energy : the effect of this passive skill is that every after battle, you recover 20% of your Max HP


10.) 重打撃 Heavy Strike / Axe / Hammer / Scythe

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
ATKアップ・大 ATK UP Large 10 ATK↑ ATK + 100
土耐性・小 Earth RST Small 3 Earth RST↑ Earth RST + 30
土耐性・大 Earth RST Large 6 Earth RST↑ Earth RST + 60
気絶耐性・小 Stun RST Small 2 Stun RST↑ Stun RST +
気絶耐性・大 Stun RST Large 4 Stun RST↑ Stun RST +++
気絶付加・小 Inflict Stun SML 2 Inflict Stun↑ Stun Chance +
気絶付加・大 Inflict Stun LRG 4 Inflict Stun↑ Stun Chance +++
経験値アップ・小 EXP UP Small 2 Experience Gain↑ EXP Gain + 10%
危険なお守りの極意・小 Adrenaline Rush 21 Info Below Info Below
回復アイテム強化・小 Item Recovery UP SML 2 Item Recovery↑ Recovery + 20% (affects skill)
クリティカルアップ・小 Critical UP small 3 Critical Rate↑ None

Adrenaline Rush : this kanji 危険なお守りの極意・小 actually means "The Secret of Danger Amulet" but i used "Adrenaline Rush" instead, the effect of this passive skill is that your damage dealt will increase same as damage received


11.) 戦盾 War Shield

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
DEFアップ・大 DEF UP Large 10 DEF↑ DEF + 50
HPアップ・小 HP UP Small 1 HP↑ HP + 500
呪い耐性・小 Curse RST Small 2 Curse RST↑ Curse RST +
呪い耐性・大 Curse RST Large 4 Curse RST↑ Cursed RST +++
呪い付加・小 Inflict Curse SML 2 Inflict Curse↑ Curse Chance +
呪い付加・大 Inflict Curse LRG 4 Inflict Curse↑ Curse Chance +++
スキル経験値アップ・小 Skill EXP UP Small 2 Skill EXP↑ None
行動速度ダウン Action Speed Down 4 Speed Down None
安全なお守りの極意 Safety Aura 10 Info Below Info Below
ずっと保護ソール Soul Effect 5 Uses The Item's Effect None
ずっと採取量アップ Collector 15 Info Below Info Below

Safety Aura : this kanji 安全なお守りの極意 actually means "The Secret of Safety Amulet" but i used "Safety Aura" instead, the effect of this passive skill is that receive less damage to attacks

Soul Effect : this passive skill uses the item effect of ココ保護ソール ( Individual Soul Protection ) which protects you on floors that has status effects

Collector : increases collected items on gathering spots


12.) 魔法 Magic

Name English Req. BP Effect Description
INTアップ・小 INT UP Small 2 INT↑ INT + 30
INTアップ・中 INT UP Medium 10 INT↑ INT + 50
INTアップ・大 INT UP Large 20 INT↑ INT + 100
RSTアップ・小 RST UP Small 2 RST↑ RST + 15
RSTアップ・中 RST UP Medium 10 RST↑ RST + 25
スキル経験値アップ・小 Skill EXP UP Small 10 Skill EXP↑ None
いきなりブーストAP Initial Boost AP 100 Info Below Info Below
火魔法威力アップ Fire Magic UP 50 Fire DMG↑ Fire DMG + 20%
水魔法威力アップ Water Magic UP 50 Water DMG↑ Water DMG + 20%
風魔法威力アップ Wind Magic UP 50 Wind DMG↑ Wind DMG + 20%
土魔法威力アップ Earth Magic UP 50 Earth DMG↑ Earth DMG + 20%
無魔法威力アップ Neutral Magic UP 50 Neutral DMG&38593; Neutral DMG + 20%
回復魔法威力アップ Recovery Magic UP 50 Recovery↑ Recovery + 10%
弱体魔法効果時間アップ Status Effect Mastery 30 Info Below Info Below
無心 Innocence 20 Info Below Info Below
クリティカルアイテム Critical Item 255 Info Below Info Below

Initial Boost AP : gains One charge of Boost AP on the start of a battle ( requires UPDATE v1.01 to work properly )

Status Effect Mastery : the effect of this passive skill is it doubles the turns of inflicted status effect

Innoncence : ( I AM NOT SURE IF I TRANSLATED THIS ONE RIGHT ) the effect of this passive skill is that it gives all magic moves an increase in Fighting Mood Effect

Critical Item : the effect of this passive skill is that it grants you 100% drop rate on Critical Mode


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Monday, August 11, 2014

Magic Table

Magic Table

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Magic Table

1.) This is the place to learn Magic Skills

More magic skills will be unlock if you cleared certain quests

2.) Talk to that NPC to learn magic skills

3.) Magic Menu Navigation

  1. Number 1 : the character you want the magic to be learned
  2. Number 2 : indicates if the magic is already learned
  3. Number 3 : press square to switch to page 2 to see required items
    ( requirements differ per character )

4.) Sample Requirements

5.) Where to Get Requirements

Gather some of the required items on these weird looking stones

6.) You can buy some of the requirements on her

You need to clear a certain quest to unlock her

6.) How To Locate Bought Magic

  1. Number 1 : This is the Skill Panel
  2. Number 2 : This is the Magic Panel

7.) Extra Info

This is the skill level, the more you use your magic skills, the more the level increases.

  1. 小 : means small
  2. 中 : means medium
  3. 大 : means large
  4. 特 : means special

Magic Table

Name English Power Effect Combo Effect
イグ Igu Fire Critical UP
イグディ Igu Di Fire Doesn't Chain
イグウルト Igu Uruto Fire Critical UP
ヒュド Hyudo Water/Poison Skill UP
ヒュドディ Hyudo Di Water Doesn't Chain
ヒュドウルト Hyudo Uruto Water Doesn't Chain
ウェン Wen Wind Item Drop UP
ウェンディ Wen DI Wind Doesn't Chain
ウェンウルト Wen Uruto Wind/Paralyze Doesn't Chain
ルペ Rupe Earth Fight Mood UP
ルペディ Rupe Di Earth Doesn't Chain
ルペウルト Rupe Uruto Earth/Seal Boost AP UP
ティア Tia None Accuracy UP
ティアディ Tia Di None Doesn't Chain
ティアウルト Tia Uruto None Doesn't Chain
メディ Medi HP Recovery Doesn't Chain
ミナメディ Mina Medi HP Recovery Doesn't Chain
キワメディ Kiwa Medi HP Recovery Doesn't Chain
クラ Cura Cure Bad Status Doesn't Chain
レスレクティオ Resurrectio Revives Ally Doesn't Chain
アタク・マクシ ATK MAX ATK↑ 5T Doesn't Chain
アタク・ミニ ATK MIN Enemy ATK↓ 5T Doesn't Chain
ディフ・マクシ DEF MAX DEF↑ 5T Doesn't Chain
ディフ・ミニ DEF MIN Enemy DEF↓ 5T Doesn't Chain
イント・マクシ INT MAX INT↑ 5T Doesn't Chain
イント・ミニ INT MIN Enemy INT↓ 5T Doesn't Chain
レジス・マクシ RST MAX RST↑ 5T Doesn't Chain
レジス・ミニ RST MIN Enemy RST↓ 5T Doesn't Chain
スピド・マクシ SPD MAX SPD↑ 1T Doesn't Chain
スピド・ミニ SPD MIN Enemy SPD↓ 5T Doesn't Chain
イグティス Igutis Fire Critical UP
イグウルティス Igu Urutis Fire Critical UP
ヒュディス Hyudis Water/Poison Skill UP
ウェンティス Wentis Wind Item Drop UP
ルペティス Rupetis Earth Fight Mood UP
ルペウルティス Rupe Urutis Earth/Seal Boost AP UP
ティアティス Tiatis None Accuracy UP

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Saturday, August 9, 2014

Skill Table

Skill Table

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Skill Table

Important Note:

1.) 5T = 5 turns
2.) 小 = Small
3.) 中 = Medium
4.) 大 = Large
5.) 特 = Special
6.) MDEF = Magic Defense ( for War Shield )
7.) PDEF = Physical Defense ( for War Shield )
8.) Quest = will be explained after the table
9.) DLC Quest = will be explained after the table
10.) Boost Skill = you need to be further in the game to unlock boost skills
11.) Some skill's Description will be explained after the table
12.) Some skill translations are inaccurate, i tried to shorten them so the table will look nice.
13.) and some translations are definitely wrong. please correct me if you find any.

Check these links to better understand this page:
1.) Skill Simple Guideline
2.) Skill Icons
3.) Skill Effects During Combination

Warning!!! : Healing and Support Skills Have Random Effect In Fighting Mood

Warning!!! : Healing and Support Skills Doesn't Chain.

1.) 片手剣 One-Hand Sword Skill

Skill Name English Skill Lv Power Combo Effect Extra Effect
斬り Slash Initial Critical UP None
スライスダウン Slice Down Initial Item Drop UP None
突き上げ Rising Lunge Lv2 Fight Mood UP None
ケモノ斬り Beast Slash Lv2 Fight Mood UP Beast DMG UP
クラフトピアス Craft Pierce Lv4 Item Drop UP None
隠れる Conceal Lv5 None None
ソードプレス Sword Press Lv5 Critical UP None
クイックアクト Quick Act Lv6 Fight Mood UP None
DEFアップ DEF UP Lv7 None DEF↑ 5T
ブレイクスルー Break Through Lv8 Boost AP UP None
ポイズンエッジ Poison Edge Lv9 Fight Mood UP Poison
マシン斬り Machine Slash Lv10 Item Drop UP Weapon DMG UP
APチャージ AP Charge Lv10 None Charge Boost AP
DEFダウン・全 DEF DOWN ALL Lv11 None Enemy DEF↓ 5T
スピンニングカット Spinning Cut Lv12 Item Drop UP None
DEFアップ・全 DEF UP ALL Lv13 None DEF↑ 5T
フレイムエッジ Flame Edge Lv14 Fight Mood UP Fire
水流剣 Water Current Sword Lv15 Fight Mood UP Water
バタフライダンス Butterfly Dance Lv15 Fight Mood UP None
キングオブペイン King of Pain Quest Item Drop UP Instant Death
オレが拠点を守る Protect the Base DLC Quest Skill UP None
裏拳斬り Backhand Slash Boost Skill Skill UP None
オレの拠点を守れ Protect The Base!!! Boost Skill Skill UP None
フィーンドピアス Fiend Pierce Boost Skill Item Drop UP None
ディセイブル Disable Boost Skill Critical UP None
フェアリィダンス Fairy Dance Boost Skill Fight Mood UP None

Conceal : there is a chance enemies won't attack you.

King of Pain :Clear 生態調査 スティングシザー Quest

Protect The Base : Clear 奥義書オレが拠点を守る DLC Quest

2.) 両手剣 Two-Hand Sword

Skill Name English Skill Lv Power Combo Effect Extra Effect
振り下ろし Blade Drop Initial Critical UP None
エリアルブレード Aerial Blade Initial Boost AP UP None
スタンブレイク Stun Break Lv2 Critical UP Stun
挑発 Provoke Lv3 None Provokes Enemy
火炎の大剣 Flaming Large Sword Lv4 Boost AP UP Fire
ATKダウン・全 ATK DOWN ALL Lv5 None Enemy ATK↓ 5T
半月斬り Half Moon Slash Lv6 Fight Mood UP None
トライソード Tri Sword Lv7 Skill UP None
マボロシの剣 Phantomal Blade Lv8 Critical UP None
ATKアップ ATK UP Lv9 None ATK↑ 5T
心機裂断 Mental Judgement Lv10 Skill UP None
APチャージ AP Charge Lv11 None Charge Boost AP
ファイナリティB Finality B Lv12 Critical UP None
ATKアップ・全 ATK UP Lv13 None ATK↑ 5T
ドラゴンティア Dragon Tear Lv14 Boost AP UP Dragon DMG UP
フロンティア Frontier Lv15 Skill UP None
英雄斬り Hero Slash Quest Item Drop Up None
真英雄斬り True Hero Slash DLC Quest Doesn't Chain None
レーザー Laser DLC Quest Fight Mood UP None
スマイト Smite Boost Skill Fight Mood UP None
多段レーザー Multi Laser Boost Skill Fight Mood UP None
刻むヴォーパル Vorpal Grind Boost Skill Critical UP Dragon DMG UP
ワイルド強打 Wild Blow Boost Skill Accuracy UP Beast DMG UP
選ばれし英雄斬り Sword Of The Chosen Boost Skill Item Drop UP None

True Hero Slash : info soon

Laser : info soon

3.) Spear

Skill Name English Skill Lv Power Combo Effect Extra Effect
一本突き One Point Lunge initial Item Drop UP None
ロングピアース Long Pierce Initial Accuracy UP None
騎士の槍 Knight Spear Lv2 Skill UP None
戦意アップ Fight Mood UP Lv3 None Fight Mood UP
ジャンピング Jumping Lv4 Boost AP UP None
戦意ダウン Fight Mood Down Lv5 None Enemy Fight Mood↓
大貫通槍 Large Spear Penetration Lv6 Doesn't Chain None
戦意ダウン・全 Fight Mood Down All Lv7 None Enemy Fight Mood↓
巻き固め Defense Roll Lv8 Accuracy UP Restraint
大漁のモリ Large Fishnet Harpoon Lv9 Item Drop UP Fish DMG UP
旋風陣 Whirlwind Formation Lv10 Doesn't Chain Wind
乱獲漁のモリ Overfishing Harpoon Lv11 Skill UP Fish DMG UP
くし刺し Sashimi Skewer Lv12 Accuracy UP None
カイザーランス Kaiser Lance Lv13 Item Drop UP Restraint
戦意アップ・全 Fight Mood UP All Lv14 None Fight Mood↑
乱れ突き Restless Thrust Lv15 Skill UP None
ポールランス Pole Lance Quest Item Drop UP None
王女の槍 Princess Spear DLC Quest Accuracy UP None
一本漁のモリ Focused Fishing Boost Skill Critical UP Fish DMG UP
突き込み投げ Thrust And Throw Boost Skill Accuracy UP None
チャージランス Charge Lance Boost Skill Fight Mood UP None
技のモーメント Moment Of Performance Boost Skill Item Drop UP None
力のモーメント Moment Of Power Boost Skill Fight Mood UP None

Pole Lance : Go to the Alley ( it is located on the right side of the Blacksmith, there is a path there, it is blocked by an NPC unless you have cleared a certain Quest. Talk to the NPC to open the path and then head straight to a Tavern, keep talking to the owner of the tavern and he might give you the quest. or check you mail box.

Princess Spear :Info Soon

4.) Bow

Skill Name English Skill Lv Power Combo Effect Extra Effect
一本撃ち Focused Shot Initial Critical UP None
すくい撃ち Scooping Shot Initial Item Drop UP None
ワイドショット Wide Shot Lv2 Doesn't Chain None
串殺鳥 Bird Kill Lv3 Boost AP Bird DMG UP
HITアップ Hit UP Lv4 None Accuracy↑ 5T
弓払い Bow Swipe Lv5 Item Drop UP None
HITダウン・全 Hit Down Lv5 None Hit↑ 5T
罠矢 Arrow Trap Lv6 Fight Mood UP None
みぞれ矢 Arrow Sleet Lv7 Doesn't Chain None
ブーメラン Boomerang Lv8 Accuracy UP None
巻きつき矢 Moon Coil Arrow Lv9 Item Drop UP None
HITアップ・全 Hit UP All Lv10 None Hit↑ 5T
毒矢 Poison Arrow Lv11 Critical UP Poison
APチャージ AP Charge Lv12 None Charge Boost AP
丸焼き Over Heat Lv13 Critical UP Fire
告死の羽矢 Wing Of Death Arrow Lv14 Critical UP Instant Death
アローフォール Arrow Fall Lv15 Doesn't Chain None
大空撃ち Heaven Shot Quest Critical UP None
ゼフィラスの舞 Zephyrus Dance DLC Quest Skill UP None
氷矢 Frozen Arrow Boost Skill Critical UP Water
泥まみれ Mud Stain Boost Skill Critical UP Earth
天弓二連 Dual Sky Bow Boost Skill Item Drop UP None
奉射・狂咲 Awakening of An Archer Boost Skill Item Drop UP None
風吹き Blow Of The Wind Boost Skill Item Drop UP Wind

Heaven Shot : Info Soon

Zephyrus Dance : Info Soon

5.) ボウガン Bowgun

Skill Name English Skill Lv Power Combo Effect Extra Effect
早撃ち Quick Shot Initial Item Drop UP None
下段撃ち Low Shot Initial Item Drop UP None
スピネルショット Spinel Shot Lv2 Fight Mood UP None
HITダウン・全 Hit Down All Lv3 None Enemy Hit↓ 5T
封印撃ち Seal Shot Lv4 Critical UP Seal
ワイドバレット Wide Barrett Lv5 Doesn't Chain Paralyze
連射 Quick Fire Lv6 Skill UP None
INTアップ Int UP Lv7 None Int↑ 5T
ファイアショット Fire Shot Lv8 Item Drop UP Fire
滝落とし Waterfall Lv9 Boost AP UP Water
とむらいの銃弾 Death Bullet Lv10 Critical UP Instant Death
HITアップ Hit UP Lv11 None Hit↑ 5T
バードハント Bird Hunt Lv12 Doesn't Chain Bird DMG UP
HITアップ・全 Hit All UP Lv13 None Hit↑ 5T
エタニティアクト Eternity Act Lv14 Item Drop UP Paralyze
ダイアバレット Diamond Barrett Lv15 Fight Mood UP Earth
違法撃ち Outlaw Shot Quest Item Drop UP Instant Death
大笑い Loud Laugh DLC Quest None Enemy Avoid↓ 5T
ラピッドファイア Rapid Fire Boost Skill Skill UP None
エンドオブ End Orb Boost Skill Accuracy UP None
暴発 Outburst Boost Skill Skill UP None
スナイピング Sniping Boost Skill Item Drop UP Instant Death
もっちぃの針 Mocchi Stinger Boost Skill Critical UP None

Outlaw Shot : Info Soon

Loud Laugh : Info Soon

6.) Katana

Skill Name English Skill Lv Power Combo Effect Extra Effect
袈裟斬り Kasaya Slash Initial Item Drop UP None
亜人切り Human Slice Lv2 Fight Mood UP Human DMG UP
捨て身刀 Sacrificial Katana Lv3 Item Drop UP Consumes 5% HP
挑発 Provoke Lv4 None Provokes Enemy
大亜人切り Massive Human Slice Lv5 Fight Mood UP Human DMG UP
倭文蹴り Ancient Kicking Art Lv6 Skill UP None
一閃 Brandish Lv7 Item Drop UP None
冥府送り Send To Hell Lv8 Accuracy UP Instant Death
AVDダウン・全 Avoid Down All Lv9 None Avoid
斬空剣 Heavenly Sword Slash Lv10 Boost AP UP None
眼つぶし斬り Eyebreak Slash Lv11 Item Drop UP None
HITアップ Hit UP Lv12 None Hit↑ 5T
鞘打ち Unsheathe Slash Lv13 Item Drop UP Stun
SPDアップ・全 Speed UP All Lv14 None Speed↑ 1T
封殺 Suppression Lv15 Accuracy UP Seal
芝居斬り Dramatic Slash DLC Quest Item Drop UP None
捨て身刀奥義 Hidden Sacrificial Katana DLC Quest Item Drop UP None
早駆け Quick Gallop Boost Skill Skill UP None
鳩尾突き Solar Plexus Thrust Boost Skill Skill UP None
華麗なる斬撃 Perfect Slash Boost Skill Critical UP None
暇つぶし斬り Don't Waste My Time Boost Skill Fight Mood UP Consumes 20% HP
三日月斬 Crescent Moon Slash Boost Skill Fight Mood UP None

Dramatic Slash : Info Soon

Hidden Sacrificial Katana : Info Soon

7.) 双剣 Dual Sword

Skill Name English Skill Lv Power Combo Effect Extra Effect
双撃 Dual Slash Initial Skill UP None
アサシンソード Assassin Sword Initial Boost AP UP None
回転ブレード Revolution Blade Lv2 Fight Mood UP None
水面斬り Water Surface Slash Lv3 Skill UP Fish DMG UP
毒蛇上げ Poisonous Serpent Lv4 Fight Mood UP Poison
双風塵 Dual Sandstorm Lv5 Fight Mood UP Wind
無法斬り Injustice Slash Lv5 Item Drop UP None
隠れる Conceal Lv6 None Conceals you
ぶんまわし Circle Around Lv7 Skill UP None
拘束落とし Unleash Restraint Lv8 Boost AP UP Restraint
SPDダウン・全 Speed Down All Lv9 None Enemy Speed↓ 5T
一点突破 Piercing Through Lv10 Item Drop UP None
大水面斬り Open Sea Slash Lv11 Skill UP Water
三ツ鏡 Three Mirrors Lv12 Boost AP UP None
SPDアップ・全 Speed Up All Lv13 None Speed↑ 1T
天召剣 Heavens Call Sword Lv14 Fight Mood UP None
スパイラルアクト Spiral Act Lv15 Skill UP None
かま斬り Sickle Slash Quest Critical UP None
大かま斬り Huge Sickle Slash DLC Quest Critical UP None
円舞六花 Six Flower Waltz Boost Skill Critical UP None
ディアボリーク Diabolic Boost Skill Fight Mood UP None
ソードビット Sword Bite Boost Skill Skill UP None
天召鳴神 Heaven Call Of A God Boost Skill Fight Mood UP None
X X Boost Skill Boost AP UP None

Sickle Slash : Info Soon

Huge Sickle Slash : Info Soon

8.) 軽打撃 Light Strike / Mace / Rod / Staff

Skill Name English Skill Lv Power Combo Effect Extra Effect
叩き Beat Initial Critical UP None
足払い Leg Sweep Initial Item Drop UP None
コフォルハーツ Koforuhatsu? Lv2 Critical UP None
フックドロー HooK Draw Lv3 Accuracy UP None
封じ上げ Rising Seal Lv4 Fight Mood UP Seal
失神棒 Stun Rod Lv5 Critical UP Stun
INTアップ INT UP Lv5 None INT↑ 5T
滅多打ち Reckless Hit Lv6 Critical UP Stun
RSTアップ Resist UP Lv7 None Resist↑ 5T
地走り波 Earth's First Wave Lv8 Item Drop UP Earth
RSTダウン・全 Resist Down All Lv9 None Enemy Resist↓ 5T
トマホーク Tomahawk Lv10 Doesn't Chain None
INTアップ・全 INT UP ALL Lv10 None INT↑ 5T
虫割り Bug Smash Lv11 Item Drop UP Bug DMG UP
RSTアップ・全 Resist Down All Lv12 None Resist↑ 5T
トリプルビート Triple Hit Lv13 Item Drop UP None
INTダウン・全 Int Down All Lv14 None Enemy INT↓ 5T
クリフストライク Cliff Strike Lv15 Critical UP None
きこりオノ Lumber Jack Lv15 Accuracy UP Plant DMG UP
胞子打ち Spore Strike Quest Critical UP Lethargy
カエルの舞 Frog Dance Quest Doesn't Chain Water
サービスエース Service Ace DLC Quest Skill UP None
マジカルアッパー Magical Upper Boost Skill Fight Mood UP None
インパクトブロー Impact Blow Boost Skill Critical UP None
ワールウィンド Whirlwind Boost Skill Item Drop UP None
シールドエース Shield Ace Boost Skill Item Drop UP None
マジカルダウナー Magical Downer Boost Skill Boost AP UP None

Spore Strike : Info Soon

Frog Dance : Info Soon

Service Ace : Info Soon

9.) 闘拳 Warfist

Skill Name English Skill Lv Power Combo Effect Extra Effect
パンチ Punch Initial Skill UP None
気合砲 Will Fire Initial Skill UP None
切り裂きツメ Reaper's Claw Lv2 Boost AP UP Paralyze
ウロコはがし Scale Rip Lv3 Boost AP UP Reptile DMG UP
いずな落とし Out Fall Lv4 Boost AP UP Paralyze
ビンタ Slap Lv5 Critical UP Stun
回復拳 Recovery Fist Lv5 None HP Recover
AVDダウン・全 Avoid Down All Lv6 None Enemy Avoid↓ 5T
巴投げ Overhead Throw Lv7 Accuracy UP None
AVDアップ Avoid UP Lv8 None Avoid↑ 5T
はらわた蹴り Internal Kick Lv9 Skill UP None
APチャージ AP Charge Lv10 None Boost AP UP
活力拳 Aura Fist Lv10 None Bad Status Recovery
旋風脚 Wind Speed Rotation Lv11 Skill UP Wind
AVDアップ・全 Avoid UP All Lv12 None Avoid↓ 5T
強力ウロコはがし Grand Scale Ripper Lv13 Accuracy UP Reptile DMG UP
ファイアーダンス Fire Dance Lv14 Skill UP Fire
飛空連撃 Sky Intercept Lv15 Boost AP UP None
溺愛投げ Doting Throw Quest Skill UP None
アストラムブレス Astra Brace DLC Quest Doesn't Chain Poison
ラトの拳 Ruthless Fist DLC Quest Skill UP None
ラッシュパンチ Rush Punch Boost Skill Critical UP None
アストラムミスト Astra Mist Boost Skill Critical UP Poison
エリアル Aerial Boost Skill Fight Mood UP None
往復ビンタ Rotational Slap Boost Skill Skill UP Stun
強巴投げ Maximum Throw Boost Skill Accuracy UP None

Doting Throw : Info Soon

Astra Brace : Info Soon

Ruthless Fist :Info Soon

10.) 重打撃 Heavy Strike / Axe / Hammer / Scythe

Skill Name English Skill Lv Power Combo Effect Extra Effect
大叩き Strong Beat Initial Critical UP None
風車落とし Windmill Initial Boost AP UP None
樹木倒し Forest Throw Lv2 Accuracy UP Plant DMG UP
力溜め Deep Power Lv3 None Fight Mood↑
ギガントブロー Gigant Blow Lv4 Critical UP Stun
大払い Extermination Lv5 Skill UP None
ATKダウン・全 Attack Down All Lv6 None Enemy Attack↓ 5T
神木倒し Sacred Tree Toss Lv7 Accuracy UP Plant DMG UP
力溜め・極 Full Deep Power Lv8 None Fight Mood↑
虫つぶし Bug Crush Lv9 Boost AP UP Bug DMG UP
虫ブッつぶし Violent Bug Crush Lv10 Critical UP Bug DMG UP
ATKアップ Attack UP Lv11 None Attack↑ 5T
アトミックブロー Atomic Blow Lv12 Critical UP Stun
ATKアップ・全 Attack UP All Lv13 None Attack↑ 5T
ザ・ロッカー Earthshake Lv14 Critical UP Earth
ムロフ・シュート Scythe Toss Lv15 Skill UP None
温泉掘り Hotspring Dig Quest Fight Mood UP Water
ダンデスの怒り Dandes' Rage DLC Quest Item Drop UP None
鉄槌のマグマ Magma Hammer Boost Skill Fight Mood UP Fire
きのこロッカー Mushroom Rocker Boost Skill Critical UP Stun
ダンデスの激怒 Dandes' Wrath Bosst Skill Item Drop UP None
三拍子 Triple Tempo Bosst Skill Skill UP None
キャンディロール Candy Roll Boost Skill Item Drop UP None

Hotspring Dig : Take a bath 10 times at the Thermae and then talk to the clerk to receive the quest.

Dandes' Rage :Info Soon

11.) 戦盾 War Shield

Skill Name English Skill Lv Power Combo Effect Extra Effect
盾当たり Shield Strike Initial Skill UP None
物理防御 Physical Defense Initial Doesn't Chain Physical DMG 1/2 1T
盾乗り Shield Ride Lv2 Fight Mood UP None
魔法防御 Magic Defense Lv3 Doesn't Chain Magic DMG 1/2 1T
盾突撃 Heavenly Shield Lv4 Skill UP None
DEFアップ Def UP Lv5 None Def↑ 5T
RSTアップ Resist UP Lv5 None Resis↑ 5T
盾蹴り Shield Kick Lv6 Doesn't Chain None
挑発 Provoke Lv7 Doesn't Chain Provokes Enemy
ドロップキック Drop Kick Lv8 Skill UP None
魔法防御・全 Magic Defense All Lv9 Doesn't Chain Magic DMG 1/2 1T
物理防御・全 Physical Defense All Lv10 Doesn't Chain Physical DMG 1/2 1T
物理超防御 Max PDEF Lv11 Doesn't Chain PDEF MAX 1T
魔法超防御 Max MDEF Lv12 Doesn't Chain Magic DEF MAX 1T
盾暴走 Shield Rampage Lv13 Fight Mood UP None
物理魔法防御 MDEF and PDEF Lv14 Doesn't Chain MEDF and PDEF 1/2
物理魔法防御全 MDEF and PDEF All Lv14 Doesn't Chain MDEF and PDEF 1/2
魔法超防御・全 Max MDEF All Lv15 Doesn't Chain Magic DEF MAX 1T
物理超防御・全 Max PDEF All Lv15 Doesn't Chain PDEF MAX 1T
英雄斬り Heroic Strike Quest Item Drop UP None
真英雄斬り True Heroic Strike DLC Quest Doesn't Chain None
はやべん Eat Bento Quest Doesn't Chain HP Recover
ヨーヨー Yo-yo Boost Skill Item Drop UP None
盾メテオ Meteor Shield Boost Skill Boost AP UP Instant Death
盾蹴り改 Revised Shield Kick Boost Skill Item Drop UP None
盾マスター Shield Master Boost Skill Fight Mood UP None
選ばれし英雄斬 Shield Of The Chosen Boost Skill Critical UP None

Heroic Strike : Info Soon

True Heroic Strike :Info Soon

Eat Bento : Eat Lunch 10 times at the restaurant and talk to the maid to recieve the quest. Or Check The Mail Box

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