Friday, August 22, 2014



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Useful tips: for example you got poisoned or cursed or whatever bad status effect you just recieved... the TEXT OF THE ITEM used for healing that certain condition will change into a different color, it's a good indicator especially if you can't read Kanji...... if, you have that particular item

Item Table

Name English Price Effect Target
小傷薬 Small Potion 50 Heals 100HP Ally
中傷薬 Medium Potion 100 Heals 500HP Ally
大傷薬 Large Potion 200 Heals 1000HP Ally
小傷薬セット Small Potion Set 100 Heals 100HP All Allies
中傷薬セット Medium Potion Set 200 Heals 500HP All Allies
神秘の傷薬 Mysterious Potion Not For Sale Heals Half of Max HP Ally
奇跡の傷薬 Miracle Potion Not For Sale Heals Max HP Ally
神々の傷薬 Gods Potion Not For Sale Heals Max HP All All Allies
特大傷薬 Extra Large Potion 1000 Heals 5000HP Ally
活力の苦薬 Weak Energy Drug 250 Ressurects With Half of HP All Allies
活力の劇薬 Strong Energy Drug Not For Sale Ressurects With Full HP Ally
活力の超薬 Hyper Energy Drug Not For Sale Ressurects With Full HP All Allies
毒消し薬 Poison Cure 30 Cures Poison Ally
麻痺消し薬 Paralyze Cure 30 Cures Paralysis Ally
封印消し薬 Seal Cure 30 Cures Seal Ally
呪い消し薬 Curse Cure 30 Cures Curse Ally
停滞消し薬 Stagnation Cure 30 Cures Stagnation Ally
無気力消し薬 Lethargy Cure 30 Cures Lethargy Ally
アストラム中和剤 Astra Poisoning Cure 30 Cures Astra Poisoning Ally
多異常消し薬 Multiple Cure 100 Cures All Bad Effects Ally
多異常消し特薬 Special Multiple Cure 200 Cures All Bad Effects All Allies
炎の玉 Flame Sphere 150 Deals 100 Fire DMG All Enemies
水の玉 Water Sphere 150 Deals 100 Water DMG All Enemies
風の玉 Wind Sphere 150 Deals 100 Wind DMG All Enemies
大地の玉 Earth Sphere 150 Deals 100 Earth DMG All Enemies
無の玉 Neutral Sphere 150 Deals 150 Neutral DMG All Enemies
炎の大玉 Large Flame Sphere 500 Deals 1000 Fire DMG All Enemies
水の大玉 Large Water Sphere 500 Deals 1000 Water DMG All Enemies
風の大玉 Large Wind Sphere 500 Deals 1000 Wind DMG All Enemies
大地の大玉 Large Earth Sphere 500 Deals 1000 Earth DMG All Enemies
無の大玉 Large Neutral Sphere 500 Deals 1500 Neutral DMG All Enemies
即死符 Instant Death Charm 40 Low Chance to Inflict Instant Death Enemy
毒符 Poison Charm 40 Low Chance to Inflict Poison Enemy
気絶符 Stun Charm 40 Low Chance to Inflict Stun Enemy
麻痺符 Paraylze Charm 40 Low Chance to Inflict Paralyze Enemy
拘束符 Restraint Charm 40 Low Chance to Inflict Restraint Enemy
封印符 Seal Charm 40 Low Chance to Inflict Seal Enemy
呪い符 Curse Charm 40 Low Chance to Inflict Seal Enemy
無気力符 Lethargy Charm 40 Low Chance to Inflict Lethargy Enemy
攻撃の幻粉 ATK Phantom Dust 50 ATK UP 5 Turns Ally
防御の幻粉 DEF Phantom Dust 50 DEF UP 5 Turns Ally
命中の幻粉 HIT Phantom Dust 50 HIT UP 5 Turns Ally
回避の幻粉 AVD Phantom Dust 50 AVD UP 5 Turns Ally
知力の幻粉 INT Phantom Dust 50 INT UP 5 Turns Ally
魔耐の幻粉 RST Phantom Dust 50 RST UP 5 Turns Ally
速度の幻粉 SPD Phantom Dust 50 SPD UP 1 Turn Ally
攻撃の邪粉 ATK Wicked Dust 50 ATK DOWN 5 Turns Enemy
防御の邪粉 DEF Wicked Dust 50 DEF DOWN 5 Turns Enemy
命中の邪粉 HIT Wicked Dust 50 HIT DOWN 5 Turns Enemy
回避の邪粉 AVD Wicked Dust 50 AVD DOWN 5 Turns Enemy
知力の邪粉 INT Wicked Dust 50 INT DOWN 5 Turns Enemy
魔耐の邪粉 RST Wicked Dust 50 RST DOWN 5 Turns Enemy
速度の邪粉 SPD Wicked Dust 50 SPD DOWN 5 Turns Enemy
ファイトソウル Fight Soul 40 Increases Fight Mood Ally
ダウナーソウル Down Soul 40 Decrease Fight Mood Enemy
帰還の翼 Return Wing 1500 Return to Home Point None
ココミエール Soul Milk 100 Reveals Collection Points on 1 Area None
ゼンブミエール Zenbu Milk Not For Sale Reveals Collection Points in ALL Areas None
ココ保護ソール Individual Soul Protection 100 Remove Floor Effects on 1 Area None
ゼンブ保護ソール Zenbu Soul Protection Not For Sale Remove Floor Effects in ALL Areas None

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