Sunday, August 3, 2014

Skill Simple Guideline

Skill Simple Guideline

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Skill Simple Guideline

1.) Skill Menu - Inside Panel - Equipping Skills

  1. Number 1 - Skill Type
    1. 攻撃 (kougeki): attack
    2. 補助 (hojo): support
    3. 回復 (kaifuku): recovery

  2. Number 2 - Damage Level
    1. 小 (o): small
    2. 中 (chuu): medium
    3. 大 (oo): large
    4. 特 (toku): special

  3. Number 3 - Skill Speed Execution
    1. one star: slow
    2. two star: normal
    3. three star: fast
    4. four star: very fast

  4. Number 4 - Attribute (Elemental or Status Effect)
    1. Elements
      1. Fire
      2. Water
      3. Wind
      4. Earth
    2. Status Effect (in order of the image)
      1. Poison: poisons You
      2. Paralyze: chance of not performing an action
      3. Restraint: can't perform an offensive skill
      4. Sealed: can't cast any magics
      5. Cursed: you can't input a second command
      6. Astra Poison: Command Input Unavailable
      7. Stun: can't perform all action once afflicted. Effects disappears after infliction or effect.
      8. Stagnation: seals Boost AP
      9. Lethargy: you can't increase your fighting mood regardless of skill
      10. 即死: Instant Death

  5. Number 5 - Number of Targets and Hits
    1. Number of Targets
      1. 1 : means one target
      2. 全 (全て- subete) : means all target
      3. 味方 (mikata) : ally

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